The problems that we face in this life do not take God by surprise.  The Bible is full of history, teachings, events and stories that show us the way to live God-honoring lives.

Like the Bible, Biblical Counseling provides comfort, counseling and prayer in all challenges and seasons we face in life.

We specialize and focus specifically on five area specialities. We invite you to learn more about each area of counseling. We are happy to help you with any questions you may have.


God’s Word has much to say about marriage. Marriage can become difficult during the changing seasons of our lives and sometimes we need some guidance and refocus to navigate these trying seasons. We will provide a safe environment for both parties to listen, share, learn and grow with another.  If Jesus Christ is placed in the center of a marriage the husband and wife can not help but grow closer to each other.

  • The marriage union between a husband and wife is sacred (see Mark 10:9)

  • God made the union of husband and wife to be satisfying and joyful (see Genesis 2:18-25)

  • God made husbands and wives equal in value and distinct in their roles (see Ephesians Chapter 5)


We are surrounded by relationships in all shapes and sizes within our circle of family, friends, neighbors and colleagues. Some relationships are easy to manage while others can be quite difficult especially when understanding differences. We will use the Bible as a guide to navigate strained relationships so that you can fully enjoy and love those closest to you in the way that God has designed.

  • God has made all humans in His own image (see Genesis 1:27)

  • God made us to be in relationship with Him and with others

  • God has very clear commands that lead to good and loving relationships (see Ephesians Chapter 4)

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Anger, anxiety, depression and fear are all examples of some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience in our lives. The Bible has very clear teachings about what causes these emotions and how we are to respond to them. We will help guide you through these teachings and allow them to be tools that will heal your soul so you can live in God’s joy, give God’s love and joy to others and walk in close relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • We have God's promise of rest and peace if we seek Him and His ways (see Matthew 11:28 & James 4:1-3)


Life, as beautiful as it is, will throw trauma our way throughout our time on this Earth. It’s not a matter of if we will experience it, but when.  God can bring healing to past painful childhood or adult memories.  We will learn how the Bible, through God’s Word can help us get through even the hardest of times.

  • He is a God of hope and promises us His Holy Spirit to move us forward in healing (see Romans 15:13)

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Perhaps you are undergoing a unique season in life that may not fall into the other service categories that are offered. You can discuss with a Biblical Counselor about your unique situation. This opportunity will allow you to ask questions and gain insight into how Biblical Counseling works and how it would apply to your unique situation.

  • We make much better decisions when we have taken time to gather good information (see Proverbs 18:13)