What is Biblical Counseling?

What is Biblical Counseling?

Unlike secular counseling, Biblical Counseling calls to the Holy Spirit for help. We seek God in prayer. We use Jesus’s teachings and Jesus’s example in how we are to walk through the problems in our lives. The goal of Biblical Counseling is to point people to Jesus Christ in the midst of their crisis.

Who is Biblical Counseling for?

Biblical Counseling is for Christians who want to better understand how to apply the Truth we are given in the Bible. We focus on five different counseling categories: Marriage, Relationships, Soul Health, Trauma and Unique Seasons. To learn more about our specific counseling focuses, please visit our services page.


Counseling Sessions

Especially during these times, we recognize that our counselees need options. We offer both virtual and in-person counseling sessions to everyone. Virtual sessions are held through a private session held through an online conference platform called Zoom. Our in-person sessions are held at our office location, David’s Courage in Plymouth, Indiana. Please see our contact page for more information.

Counseling Sessions

Our sessions are conducted by counselors certified through the Association of Biblical Counselors (ACBC). Certification through ACBC is divided into three phases that must be completed prior to certification:

To find out more about what a counseling session through Biblical Counseling looks like in detail, be sure to check out our page on What to Expect.

What Biblical Counseling Believes

What We Believe

We believe the problems that we face in this life do not take God by surprise. The following scriptures are foundational to Biblical counseling.

  • The Bible is full of history, teachings, events and stories that show us the way to live God honoring lives.

    (2 Timothy 3:16)

  • Our ultimate purpose is to be worshipers/followers of the glorified Jesus Christ.

    (Isaiah 52:13)

  • We are to seek the help of the Holy Spirit.

    (Romans 8:26)

  • We are to seek a relationship with God through prayer.

    (Matthew 7:7)

  • We are to actively serve the body of Christ [the church].

    (Galatians 6:10)

  • Jesus wants us to live abundant and joyful lives in Him. 

    (John 10:10)

  • We call sin what it is, sin.  Once we acknowledge our sin, then we can repent of it, be forgiven of it and be freed from it! 

    (Romans 6:17-18)